Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tesco music online

Supermarket plans to take on Apple iTunes
15 April 2008 - Tesco are the latest company to get involved with the world of online music.

The supermarket is planning on taking on Apple iTunes with its own online music and film download site.

Tesco Digital will initially offer 3.3 million music tracks when it launches and 1.6 million of those will be in MP3 format.

It plans for all of the site's music to be compatible with iPods and other MP3 players by the end of 2008.

In the future, the site will offer downloadable films, TV shows and computer games.
"We’ve invested heavily into it to make sure that we have all of the right products"
Sir Terry Leahy - Tesco's CEO

Tesco’s CEO, Sir Terry Leahy, said: “We’ve always been a leader on the internet – we’ve a huge grocery business and now we’re moving onto an entertainment site.

“We’ve invested heavily into it to make sure that we have all of the right products and they can be easily accessed at competitive prices."

The chain launched Tesco.com in 2000 and became the first major British supermarket to enter the music download market in 2004.

But that service is currently only available in Windows Media format.

What do you think about Tesco's download idea. Should they stick to selling Apples not competing with Apple. Or will it mean cheaper music for fans?

Kelly Stooke

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